Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cupcake Wars

So I haven't been on here to post in sometime, so much has happened over the past few months. My laptop crashed with all of my recent pictures of creations that I have completed over the last few months. I'm super bummed about that. Since I don't have any photos to show, I can only tell you about some of the amazing "sweet creations" that I made. I created some tasty chocolate/mint cupcakes for St. Patty's day and some cute Easter cupcakes with grass pipped on top with hidden eggs along with some other sweets. My lesson from this disaster was to make sure I save all my creations on my jump external drive regularly. On another note the new series "Cupcake Wars" debut tonight on the Food Network. It was interesting to see all the bakers think on there feet to impress the judges. Not too mention to see some folks get their egos crushed. Sometimes what's good to us, is not always good to other people. I think this maybe my new favorite show.
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