Saturday, October 8, 2011

Owl Theme

This was a CUTE project that I fit into my crazy schedule this week for a CUTE little girl turning "2" today in Gallatin, TN. When her mother first gave me the picture of what she was looking for then told me, she only wanted to limited amounts of fondant. I was like okay I can do that, but secretly wondering to myself how am I going to get the butter creme"fondant" smooth. I was just my luck that I had remember coming across one of the many blogs I follow about using VIVA paper towels and my fondant smoother. Needless to say I was thankful for my memory, which can be limited at sometimes. The cake flavor itself was a new one===> Sour Cream Almond Cake/ Vanilla Butter Creme (three layers).  This was quite a project, but I enjoyed it!!!


Super Hero Cookies

There's something about prepping for character cookies, that sends me into STRESS ZONE. I always strive for perfection, I am my own HARDEST critic. I've previously made two of the cookies prior to this order(Spiderman/Ironman). This new challenge was to freehand Batman and Superman. The process actually took me at least two and half days in total to put together. The first  few days consisted of merely baking, piping,  flooding in the background and outlying. Sense most of the cookies were at least two to three colors, I had to make sure that the background was dry. All in all I happy with the outcome of these cookies much improvement from my initial Iron Man cookies a few months back....

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